Ali Pasha of Gucia (1828–1885) (Albanian: Ali Beg Shabanagaj; Montenegrin: Ali-Paša Gusinjski) was an Albanian military commander and one of the leaders of the League of Prizren. He ruled over an area in eastern Montenegro. He was more commonly known as Ali Pashë Gucia or Али-паша Гусињски / Ali-paša Gusinjski ("Ali Pasha of Gusinje").[1][2] He was the leader of the Albanian troops of the League of Prizren against the Principality of Montenegro at the battle of Nokshiq (modern Novšiće, near Gruda.[3]
Ali Pasha of Gucia was born in 1828 in Gusinje to Hasan Shabanagaj. He finished military school in Istanbul. Ali Pasha of Gucia was a member of the League of Prizren and lead the forces of the League against the Ottoman empire after the Congress of Berlin, during which Albanian-inhabited areas in modern Montenegro were ceded to Montenegro.
After collisions which took place with Ottoman troops, Ali Pasha of Gucia was arrested.[4] He was released after the Sultan gave general amnesty and became mutesarif (governor of sandjak) of Peja. He was assassinated by agents of the Ottoman government in the Rugova Canyon in 1885.
In the Lahuta e Malcis (English: Highland Lute) Ali Pasha of Gucia is presented as a blazing hero and is the central figure of the 8th canto and one of the important figures of the 9th canto.[5]